
Where We Go From Here

How we make a difference

At Tims Camps, we measure and track our progress against our stated outcomes, creating a constant feedback loop that identifies successes and areas to improve.

Early trends and indicators from our impact measurement strategy show that while our program is yielding positive results in many outcome areas, we have room to improve in the promotion of healthy stress management and time management skills.

Post-Secondary Access & Workplace Readiness

Results are from Level 5 survey data with 554 survey respondents. *

  • 34% (186/554) have already graduated high school

Of those who have not graduated:

  • 90% (331/368) of program graduates are confident they will finish high school 
  • 85% (312/368) feel they can choose the courses they need in high school and complete them in order to get into college, university or trade school.

Only 37% (205/554) of all program graduates responded favorably to the following two indicators:

  • I can get a scholarship or grant for a college, university or trade school 
  • I can pay for college even if my family cannot help me.

Based on these results, we’ve renewed our focus on a comprehensive financial literacy curriculum to ensure our participants can attend post-secondary school. Developed with the help of our teaching partners, the goal of this program is to build campers’ understanding and awareness of often confusing and complex money matters, creating financial literacy skills, increasing job readiness, and determining how to apply and pay for post-secondary school. Teaching financial literacy to campers from low-income homes helps to break down barriers to post-secondary education and gives our youth the tools to imagine a brighter future after high school and camp.

*Data from previous 5 year summer program.

Financial Literacy 101

Parental influences, and high-school quality, account for 84% of the reason Canadian youth coming from low-income families don’t go to University (Frenette, 2007)

Teaching financial literacy at camp isn’t just about numbers and it doesn’t look the same as it does in the classroom. At Tims Camps, we start by focusing on patience, self-awareness, and organization. Building these skills first can be vital in helping campers choose post-secondary and employment options that are both interesting and rewarding. We also develop their self-confidence, so they begin see that all education levels are within their grasp.

Post Secondary School Visits

Campers visit a college, university of CEGEP institution to get a better understanding of what to expect and to picture their life as a post-secondary student.

Budget Planning

Campers go through a simulation that is similar to the game of life however takes place through their time at post-secondary. Learning all of the experiences that may come up and how to cover them.

Interview Prep

Campers review (fake) resumes and decide which would make the cut. They also perform mock interviews and interview their counselors preparing for the world of work.