
The Challenge

All young people deserve to thrive

There is an opportunity gap in our communities. Too often, young people’s race, ethnicity, economic status, or postal code determine which doors are open to them and which remain closed. It’s not that these young people can’t achieve—they’re not given the opportunity to. We know what is holding them back: income and access to youth programs. Often, the two go hand in hand.


Research has long shown that income is the most important predictor of a healthy life. More important than lifestyle or genetics, the amount of money a child’s family has—and their ability to access basics like food, clothing, stable housing, and an education—can set the trajectory for their life on wildly different paths, affecting everything from academic performance and the formation of stable relationships to physical and emotional wellbeing (1).

That’s what the research says. Now here’s what we’re facing. One in five young children live in poverty in Canada and the number is one in four among Indigenous youth (2). In the United States, nearly 12 million kids—one in seven nationwide—live in poverty, with millions more hovering perilously close (3).


Youth living in poverty are more likely to face limited access to opportunities that expand their horizons and contribute to the development of important skills. This means a reduced ability to access out-of-school-time programs, such as clubs, teams, enrichment programs, and summer experiences. These types of experiences are essential to form supportive relationships with non-familial adults. These relationships are critical in a youth’s development (4) as they directly impact a young person’s sense of self, others, and community, and contribute to social and emotional wellbeing and development.

Communities of colour and newcomers to North America have faced significant inequities in access to nature and camp-based programs. Research has shown that a camp experience supports the development of social emotional skills, confidence, self-identity, independence, and resilience (5). Skills learned at camp last into young adulthood and are important for young people’s success in other settings such as work, college, and family life (5) (6) Camp-based learning is essential for thriving.

Social Impact

We know that investing in youth development and camp programs has a significant impact on individuals and societies. This impact is achieved through a reduction of negative outcomes and behaviours, decreasing reliance on social services, as well as an increase in positive outcomes and behaviours, such as educational attainment, earning potential, and health.

Due to living in low-income and facing an access gap, youth in Tims Camps programs develop important life skills they don’t have the chance to learn elsewhere(7). In Tims Camps programs, youth avoid academic and social-emotional learning loss during the break in school, known as the “summer slump”(8). In fact, about half of Tims Campers report no other structured learning opportunities during the summer months, indicating the importance of attending Tims Camps summer program.

At Tims Camps, youth focus on the importance of the “Big 3”: goal setting, contributing to a community, and looking to the future with greater hope. These skills set the stage for post-secondary education and gainful employment in young adulthood.

Studies in youth development and camp programs across Canada have found anywhere from a 1:4 to a 1:23 social return on investment(9)(10)(11), meaning for every dollar invested in these programs, anywhere from $4 to $23 of social and economic value is created.

At Tims Camps, we estimate a social return on investment of 1:5. Every dollar invested in our programs yields approximately $5 of social impact.

If we want all young people and communities to thrive and reach their potential, we must invest in youth programs .

That’s why we do what we do—to bridge the gap, open doors, and provide a positive developmental experience for youth.

  1.  Youth Who Thrive (n.d.). Youth Who Thrive. https://youthwhothrive.ca
  2. Campaign 2000, (2021). Beyond the Pandemic: Rising up for a Canada Free of Poverty. https://campaign2000.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Campaign-2000-Beyond-the-Pandemic_Rising-up-for-a-Canada-free-of-Poverty_2020-report-card.pdf
  3. Poverty USA, 2022. Poverty Facts. https://www.povertyusa.org/facts
  4. Bowers, E. P., Johnson, S. K., Warren, D. J. A., Tirrell, J. M., & Lerner, J. V. (2015). Youth-Adult Relationships and Positive Youth Development. In: Bowers, E. et al., (eds) Promoting Positive Youth Development: Advances in Youth Development. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-219-17166-1_6
  5. Sibthorp, J., Wilson, C., Povilaitis, V., & Browne, L.P. (2020). Active ingredients of learning at summer camp. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 23, 21-37. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42322-019-00050-6
  6. Wilson, C., Akiva, T., Sibthorp, J., & Browne, L. P. (2019). Fostering distinct and transferable learning via summer camp. Children and Youth Service Review, 98, 269-277. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.01.017
  7. Povilaitis, V., Lubeznik-Warrner, R., & McGregor Wheatley, K. (2023). The lasting benefits of multiyear camp programming for youth form low-income backgrounds. Journal of Youth Development, 1(7). https://www.doi.org/10.34068/JYD.18.01.07
  8. Goetze, L. (2016). Calculating the return on investment in summer learning. National Summer Learning Association. https://www.summerlearning.org/knowledge-center/calculating-return-investment-summer-learning/
  9. Kids Cancer Care, (n.d.) Social return on investment: Research reveals camp has a 4:1 social return on investment. https://www.kidscancercare.ab.ca/impact/social-return-on-investment
  10. Big Brothers Big Sisters. (2013). Investing in kids' futures pays off in hard dollars. https://bbbscalgary.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/SocialReturnonInvestmentStudy.pdf
  11. British Columbia Network of Child & Youth Advocacy Centres, (2022). Social Return on Investment Study 2022. https://www.bccyac.ca/2022/08/12/social-return-on-investment-study-2022/