
Strategic Plan – 2022 - 2026

Our Vision for the Future

As we look ahead to the next five years, our Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team are guided by our five-year strategic plan to ensure a vigilant focus on key priorities and initiatives in order to create positive change in the youth we serve.

Strategic Pillars and Priorities

  1. High Impact Programs
  2. Operational Excellence
  3. Tims System Engagement & Brand Love
  4. ‘Out of System’ Fund Development
  5. Our People

1. High Impact Programs



Program Foundations

Theoretical & structural basis of all programs for maximum impact.

Program Outcomes

What youth learn & how learning is transferred.
Program Development
Enhancing innovation to advance program design & delivery.


Program Quality

Adapt & implement best-in-class, research-validated, quality improvement systems.

Long Term Impact

Define sustained gains rooted in what we can credibly claim.

Youth Engagement

Relevance & Modernization

Programs meet youth where they are & youth are meaningfully involved in all aspects of their program experience.

How we will measure success over the next five years

Summary Goals

Detail Goals

External recognition

Be recognized as a leading credible source of expertise on youth development & out-of-school learning through measured output, speaking engagements, and affiliations.

Program quality

Programs ranked as highest quality through research validated systems such as the Weikart Centre for Youth Program Quality Social & Emotional Program Quality Assessment.

Participant impact

Participant impact score growth measured through comparative participant surveys, focus groups, and increased youth voice opportunities.


Outcomes defined for every program measured as complete or incomplete.

Participant retention rate

Establish and/or increase retention rates through year-over-year review of multi-visit programs.

Participant engagement

Set and/or increase youth engagement scores through established engagement standards to be measured through internal participant surveys.

2. Operational Excellence


Program Delivery

Execute various programs to achieve our desired outcomes and deliver a best-in-class participant experience.


Align with, or seek partners, that offer capacity, access or scaling opportunities, and further, manage the partnership to be sure standards and costs are being met.

Technology and Systems

Ensure effective and efficient support and integration of systems across the organization.

Asset Utilization / Management

Ensure assets are properly maintained and are optimally utilized.

Financial Planning & Analysis

Provide cross-functional support for financial modelling, reports, and cost control procedures.

Risk Management

Manage risk across the organization.

How we will measure success over the next five years

Summary Goals

Detail Goals


Number of kids reached and number of experiences across all programs per year.

Quality standards

Execute various programs within pre-defined quality standards measured by camp readiness (the pass of audits and/or have a plan in place to address quality flags).

Guest satisfaction

Guest satisfaction survey score (i.e. food service, facility, comfort, overall experience, travel, etc.) measured by improvements to our baseline year in 2022 (once baseline is established, determine the appropriate guest satisfaction target to be set, as well as year-over-year objectives).

Site maintenance

Maintain our sites to the highest standard (goal based on asset maintenance schedule/life-cycle and ideally, no deferred maintenance). Capital development and preventative maintenance schedule determined with financial, Finance and Audit Committee and Board of Directors support. Budget approval by Board of Directors mid-November.

Asset utilization

Signature Camps utilization is optimized to offset camp season and camp down-time.

Cash balance

Ensure end-of-year cash balance is sufficient to cover the following year cash requirements without relying on line-of-credit.

Enterprise Risk Management audit

Complete Enterprise Risk Management Audit every three years, and ensure approved recommendations are implemented within proposed timing.

Risk management indicators

Keep risk management indicators below target – internal benchmarks, external accreditations, etc. (indicators to be determined: learning and improving from incidents per participant day are within our internal benchmarks, camp standards, audits, ministry, accreditations).

3. Tims System Engagement & Brand Love



Own, gatekeep, and coordinate a consistent voice for THFC (Tim Hortons Foundation Camps) nationally and regionally by articulating what we do, why we do it, and for whom we do it, across target audiences.

Guests (Current & Potential)

Help Tim Hortons build love for the brand while amplifying the THFC voice:

  • integrate with Tims Marketing and Communications teams,
  • ensure THFC is represented in relevant guest touchpoints and communications channels.


Inspire pride in the owner community, while:

  • leveraging THFC in restaurant team member attraction, engagement, and retention,
  • collaborating to drive the business case for supporting THFC.

Tims Corporate

Help define how the THFC voice fits with the Tims’ corporate and brand voice while:

  • driving Tims employee awareness, understanding and engagement,
  • exploring integration opportunities with other community programs.

TH System Fundraising

Take ownership of becoming a true partner in all Tim Hortons fundraising programs by:

  • maximizing effectiveness of guest-targeted fundraising programs,
  • increasing awareness of, and maximizing revenue from, our “always-on” fundraising initiatives.
How we will measure success over the next five years

Summary Goals

Detail Goals


Increase Tims Camps aided awareness as measured by annual Ipsos consumer survey.

Owner engagement

Increase owner engagement score as calculated by four standardized opening questions in annual owner engagement survey.

Tims employee engagement

Achieve Tims employee awareness and/or understanding and/or engagement of/with the THFC.

In-system fundraising

Grow Tim Hortons System fundraising measured as net revenue from various in-system initiatives (whether Foundation or System-led).

4. Out-of-System Fund Development



Seek and nurture impactful partnerships that not only drive revenue, but meet pre-determined criteria.

Maximize Fundraising

Innovate fund development strategies, leverage vendors and current donor/partner/Board of Directors relationships, and ensure our asks are tangible and transparent.
How we will measure success over the next five years

Summary Goals

Detail Goals

Out-of-system revenue

Grow out-of-system revenue measured by a year-over-year increase in out-of-system revenue.

Corporate donor revenue

Grow revenue from corporate donors measured by year-over-year increase in corporate donor revenue.

Individual donor revenue

Grow revenue from individual donors measured by year-over-year increase in individual donor revenue.

5. Our People


Right Work

We are spending our time on the right things.

Right Size

We are spending the right amount of time on the right things.

Right Structure

Our organizational structure, teams, and roles are intentionally built to achieve our stated targets.

Right People

We have the right people in the right jobs.

Right Measurement

We are measuring, tracking and celebrating achievement of the right things.

Right Way

We treat people the right way with an intentional focus on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
How we will measure success over the next five years

Summary Goals

Detail Goals


Meet or exceed internally identified targets related to full-time employees and wages & benefit cost as per cent of revenue.

Employee retention rate

Meet or exceed stated target related to program seasonal year-over-year retention rates (rehires).

External acknowledgements/awards

Recognized as top employer by external acknowledgement in all operating jurisdictions (if available).

Employee engagement

Engagement targets (as measured by Great Place to Work Survey).

Equity, diversity and inclusion

Meet or exceed targets related to internally identified equity, diversity, and inclusion indicators.

Risk management

Risk management: zero active current employee-related litigations related to human rights and/or employee relations matters (does not include past claims).