
Youth Advisory Council

Helping to shape the future of Tims Camps

The Youth Advisory Council (YAC) was created in 2018 to give the youth we serve a voice in helping us make decisions. Giving young people a say in how we operate helps us stay relevant to our campers and make sure we are growing forward as an organization.

So far, we have consulted with our Youth Advisory Council on decisions related to gender-inclusive cabin groups, camper application process, camper support programs, camper feedback, staff recruitment, branding and fundraising.

The current YAC is comprised of eleven regionally representative current and former campers who are passionate and enthusiastic about what we do. Learn more about their stories below!

Youth Advisory Council Group Photo



Pronunciation: Ay-Jay
Pronouns: He/him
Location: Sarnia, Ontario

AJ joined the Tims Camps YAC at the beginning of 2024 and is currently a student at Great Lakes Secondary School in his senior year. AJ also is a member of student council, Key Club, President of the Tabletop Club, and an executive in the Theatre Club. .

AJ completed the Tims Camps program in 2023, and when asked about his advice for current and future campers, AJ shared,

“You're in a new environment, but that isn't a bad thing. This is a life memory and an experience to meet people you'll still talk to ten years from now, a chance to try so many new things, and see so many new places.”

AJ remembers that camp was all about just being a kid. He shared memories of “Playing cards with my cabin mates and getting to know them, sharing a space in the cabin, and just being kids with them.”

Ultimately, AJ hopes to continue working with the YAC and improving himself and his relationships. He hopes to attend a Police Foundations program in college and pursue a career in policing.




Pronunciation: Be-see
Pronouns: She/her
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba

Bisi attended two of our sites across North America in Manitoba and Ontario. When she first arrived at camp, Bisi found it challenging to make friends. She noticed others making connections and wanted to join in but didn’t have the confidence to approach people. But with each camp activity, Bisi’s confidence grew, and she felt more comfortable opening up to her peers. She stopped worrying about what other people thought and noticed her confidence and self-esteem started to flourish. Bisi finds it easier now to create friendships with her peers, she still is working on creating long lasting friendships by understanding what her friends’ interests are, and how they relate to her own.

Bisi joined the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) to meet new people and contribute to the Foundation that helped her excel.

Bisi has many hobbies in which she enjoys! This includes learning new languages, writing and drawing, dancing and photography. While writing and drawing is a great outlet for Bisi to help articulate her emotions, she also uses it to practice writing in the languages she learns.

Currently, Bisi plans on attending university or apprenticeship but she’s mainly leaning towards university.




Name pronunciation: HuHn-Tuhr
Pronouns: He/They
Location: Edmonton, Alberta

Hunter’s motivation for joining the YAC was to help improve camp for all. They shared,

“I wanted to bring light to deeper struggles that campers face and how we can improve our staff’s responses to those issues.”

Hunter also believes camp is a place of cooperation and recognizes that the YAC works together to make important changes at Tims Camps.

Throughout Hunter’s final summer at camp, they had an amazing time. ”During my last year, myself and my cabin went whitewater rafting and got super into it. We'd yell "You don't know me!" and "We move mountains!" while pushing each other to row as hard and fast as humanly possible.” It is moments like these where Hunter made friendships, experienced peer support, and saw the impact of Tims Camps.

Hunter is currently a high school student in Edmonton. They are community focused and are very busy volunteering with different youth groups. Hunter also has a passion for films and theatre, participates in improv, and is a theatre director in their city.

Ultimately, Hunter wants to continue helping and guiding people by supporting others, like what leaders did for them at camp. “I feel like it’s something I needed at a time where I didn't have it, so being able to support someone helps me find that closure.” For Hunter, it’s all about giving back.




Name Pronunciation: Jay-Nee
Pronouns: She/her
Location: Alma, Quebec

Janie wanted to be a YAC member to make a difference in campers’ lives, just like she experienced herself. Now, both a YAC member and a camp counselor at Camp des Voyageurs Tim Horton, she sees the impact that Tims Camps has on young people and wants to be a part of their camp journey in any way that she can.

Janie’s fondest memory of camp was the overnight experience. As someone who thrives in nature, she realized that it was transformative for herself and her fellow campers. From her camp experience, Janie realized what she wants to do for a career.

Janie is currently a CEGEP student in Alma, Quebec, where she is in a program that will support her in her dreams to one day become a wildlife officer. Both this program and working at camp are perfect for her, as Janie loves the outdoors and can’t wait until she gets to spend summer outside with our amazing campers!




Name Pronunciation: Gee-You
Pronouns: She/her
Location: Moncton, NB

After completing the Tims Camps Summer Program in 2020, JiYu learned “nothing is impossible.”

JiYu recalled being a shy and introverted teenager who begged her parents not to send her to camp. By the time her first session was over, she didn’t want to leave.

The overnight wilderness trips were the most challenging part of her camp experience but instilled in her the confidence to try new things and the ability to work as a team alongside her cabin mates.

“You don’t think about it while you’re there, but every time I came home, I was always so mesmerized at how in just that short period of ten days, camp changed my life and changed me into a better version of myself - a happier version of myself.”

JiYu studies Health Sciences at University. In her spare time, she offers free French tutoring sessions to young immigrant students, serves on the UNICEF Canada Youth Advisory Program, and is a member of the Honourable Ginette Petitpas-Taylor’s Youth Council.

Her dream is to attend medical school and become a doctor.




Name pronunciation: Lah-Grace
Pronouns: She/her
Location: Calgary, Alberta

While LaGrace developed a newfound appreciation for nature, the four summers she spent at Tims Camps ultimately taught her to accept and celebrate others for who they are. Living in close quarters with strangers helped LaGrace become more patient and understanding of her peers. With every activity and goal she and her cabin mates achieved together, she felt a stronger bond and appreciation for people’s unique qualities.

“I learned that not everyone is going to be like me. We all have different skills and abilities. When difficult times come, I shouldn’t be angry at how others solve problems because it’s different than how I would. Tims Camps is a place where everyone is accepted without judgement.”

LaGrace joined the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) in 2023 and looks forward to learning more about the Foundation from a new perspective and continuing to refine the skills she developed as a camper.

She enjoys playing basketball, volleyball, and soccer. She tutors other students and dreams of one day becoming a detective.




Pronunciation: Mad-ee
Pronouns: She/her
Location: Moncton, New Brunswick

After attending three summers of in-person programming and two of digital programming, Maddy graduated from the Tims Camps Summer Program in 2022.

Tims Camps taught Maddy how to step out of her comfort zone in more ways than one. While one of her fondest memories is reaching the top of all six rock climbing walls at Tim Horton Memorial Camp in Parry Sound, Ontario, she also recalls challenging herself to make new friends.

“Being put in a new setting with new people and having to become social with them right away was something I dreaded. But as the years went on, it became a little easier to do as you would just bond over something small, leading to friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. The 10 days at camp each summer go by so fast sometimes you just need to take a step back and take it all in, the memories, the people, the life changing experiences.”

Maddy has served on the Youth Advisory Council (YAC) since 2022. She is a full-time student at St Francis Xavier University, studying Human Kinetics with hopes of becoming a teacher. She volunteers to coach minor football in her hometown and plays football for her local women's team. Her goal is to play football for Team Canada.

“Camp challenged me to communicate, work with others, as well as take leadership roles in unfamiliar situations. Tims Camp challenged me to become a better version of myself each and every summer.”

Tims Camps made such an impact on Maddy, she is heading back to camp this summer but this time as a camp counsellor. She hopes to make camp feel even more special for campers than it already does!




Pronunciation: Nih-Kohl
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: Mississauga, Ontario

“No matter how hard things get, and if you feel like you aren’t enough, there are people who can see how many amazing things you are going to accomplish.”

That’s one thing Nicole learned at Tims Camps.

During her fifth and final year at Tims Camps, Nicole had a special moment with her cabinmates. ”We were on our overnight trip and a couple of campers and I stayed up talking that whole night about our lives and just having great conversations while looking at the stars.” It is special moments like these that made Nicole want to be a part of the YAC.

Nicole is currently a nursing student at Niagara College. When she is not busy studying, she loves playing volleyball, strumming on a guitar, singing, and working out.

Ultimately, Nicole plans to graduate nursing school and transition into a career as a travel nurse. She is also hoping to one day to work at Tims Camps!




Pronunciation: Pay-Tuhn
Pronouns: She/Her
Location: Hampton, New Brunswick

Peyton decided to apply and ultimately join the YAC to stay connected to Tims Camps. She shared that as camp taught her so many valuable lessons, staying connected and helping others have a positive experience became important to her.

During Peyton’s time at camp, she remembers a special moment at the Tim Horton Children’s Camp waterfront on Tatamagouche Bay,

“One of my personal favourite camp memories was a day that it absolutely poured rain, and a small group of us still went down to the waterfront to listen to music and just enjoy the environment. I’ve always loved the ocean, but something about this moment strengthened my love for that part of it, and that camp.”

She feels that it is moments like these where campers can really connect with one another.

Peyton is currently a high school student in New Brunswick in her last year. She spends her time outside of school working at a local Tim Hortons and volunteering her time at church or in her community. Peyton was an avid dancer for 11 years and has been a stage manager for her school’s drama productions.

Ultimately, Peyton wants to continue on a path where helping others is at the forefront, “For post-secondary, I definitely imagine doing something that is directly helping people.” She then hopes to join the workforce, meet new people, and make many new friends. As an animal lover, Peyton knows that wherever her future takes her, she will have a lot of pets, too!




Pronunciation: Ya-Me-Nah
Pronouns: She/her
Location: Montreal, Quebec

Though Yamina is bilingual and had the opportunity to attend French and English speaking Tims Camps, she said participating in programs delivered in English opened her mind to the challenges Canadian immigrants may face.

“This experience allowed me to better understand those whom English and French is not their first language - the frustration, misunderstanding, and withdrawal.”

Yamina graduated from the Tims Camps Summer Program in 2022, the same year she started serving on the Youth Advisory Council (YAC). Along with her twin sister Yasmine, the pair are the only two Francophones on the council. Yamina hopes to elevate the challenges campers face whose first language isn’t English or French.

“I felt it was important to represent all the Francophones and Quebecers who are part of the Tims Camps program, so they feel respected and listened to. I have many ideas and proposals to make the camps even better and more inclusive for everyone.”

Yamina is currently involved in many clubs and activities and hopes to continue her studies and eventually work in the medical field.




Pronunciation: Yass-Meen
Pronouns: She/her
Location: Montreal, Quebec

Tims Camps taught Yasmine that even during challenging times, she is in control of her mindset.

While Yamine was camping overnight on an island with her cabin mates, a thunderstorm erupted, extinguishing their campfire and soaking their tent. Instead of getting frustrated, Yasmine took a deep breath and changed her mindset. While laughing uncontrollably, the group worked quickly to pull tarps over the tent and protect themselves from the rain.

“It was an unforgettable experience and I learned to smile at life even in moments that are difficult. Stay positive, and your life will be too. I learned to not let despair get the better of me. Just look at your goal and don't give up.”

Yasmine is a screenwriter and a dedicated project manager, an athlete and a member of the track and field team, a nature lover and a travel enthusiast, an avid reader and amateur photographer, and a passionate volunteer in many activities and organizations protecting human rights.

Yasmine has several careers in mind and is interested in a variety of fields. Although she is not sure what specialty to pursue, she is up for whatever the next adventure may be.