5 years of Tims Camps.
A lifetime of lessons.
That’s what you contributed to this Camp Day. You have helped more than 300,000 youth from disadvantaged circumstances take part in Tims Camps programming, opening doors for achievers, trailblazers, leaders, and doers. Thank you for supporting Tims Camps and for enabling young people to become their best, most empowered selves.

Not Child’s Play.
Tims Camps are more than just canoe trips and campfires. They’re a place where youth learn critical life skills like leadership, responsibility and resiliency.
This Camp Day you’ll hear directly from some of the campers who experience personal transformations and growth.
Click here for a transcript of the Camp Day Commercial
Camp Day Commercial Transcript:
[0:00s] (Exterior Tims camp location is shown with two campers playing on a dock by the lake. ‘Tim Hortons CAMP DAY’ text appears on the screen as it shows campers handclapping, playing basketball, jumping rope, skipping through a field of grass, and standing proudly in and around different camp areas)
Camper (speaking): No, I was told a bright future isn’t for me, but Tims Camp made me a priority.
[0:06s] (A row of campers sitting at a picnic table tap their feet to the beat of the anthem. The screen transitions to show a lineup of campers taking aim with an archery bow and one-by-one releasing their arrows to hit bullseye targets)
Camper (rapping/singing): My camp story is all about fight. It’s all about rising, all about might. A place to become and design my life, and after five years I can take my flight.
[0:14] (The screen zooms into the face of one of the archers, looking strong and accomplished. It transitions to a camper, outdoors and smiling while painting an image, then to another camper, at home and working on their own art piece)
Camper (rapping/singing): It’s not about a vacay or about strife. We fought off darkness and found our light. Confidence, courage, and resiliency. It’s what this camp really teaches me.
[0:21] (Six campers are seated around a campfire, roasting marshmallows. The screen changes to another camper at home, in in their room and mouthing along to the lyrics of the anthem)
Campers (rapping/singing): ON CAMP DAY, you provide for a better me. THIS AIN’T CHILD’S PLAY, you won’t believe what I’ll achieve. ON CAMP DAY, help me become who I wanna be. CAMP DAY, IT AIN’T CHILD’S PLAY.
[0:28] (The screen shows a row of campers sitting at a picnic table, stomping their firsts on the table along to the beat of the anthem. It transitions to a circle of friends clapping along happily and then to a camper and their instructor paddling a canoe)
Camper (rapping/singing): 5 years ago, I was a different me, but now I’m the leader I was meant to be.
[0:34] (The screen changes to a Tim Hortons restaurant, where an iced coffee and brewed coffee are being prepared. A Tims Team Member serves the drinks to a Guest with the text ‘Change lives one cup at a time. Tim Hortons CAMP DAY’ visible on their shirt and on the cups)
Camper (rapping/singing): Years and years of lessons gained, a new outlook I could reclaim.
[0:38] (Back at the camp, kids jump rope, skip stones in a lake, and play basketball. Then, the screen transitions to a group of smiling campers clapping and rapping/singing along to the lyrics of the anthem)
Camper (rapping/singing): Believe me when I say I’m climbing high. In these 5 years, I can reach the sky. Was stuck in my shell, it was safe to say, your support helped pave the way.
[0:44] (A group of kids skip through the camp, singing along and pumping their fists to the beat of the anthem. The screen transitions between campers standing proudly in and around different camp areas)
Campers (rapping/singing): ON CAMP DAY, you provide for a better me. THIS AIN’T CHILD’S PLAY, you won’t believe what I’ll achieve. ON CAMP DAY, help me become who I wanna be. CAMP DAY, IT AIN’T CHILD’S PLAY
[0:53] (Campers continue to sing/rap and clap or pump their firsts along to the anthem while joyfully skipping around the camp. ‘On July 21st buy a Tims coffee or iced coffee and change a life. 100% of proceeds go to the Tim Hortons Foundation Camps’ text appears on the screen)
Campers (rapping/singing): ON CAMP DAY, you provide for a better me. THIS AIN’T CHILD’S PLAY, you won’t believe what I’ll achieve. ON CAMP DAY, help me become who I wanna be.
[0:57] (The screen zooms out to show campers skipping across a field celebrating. The text ‘Tim Hortons CAMP DAY July 2st. In support of Tim Hortons Foundation Camps’ text appears)
Campers (rapping/singing): CAMP DAY, IT AIN’T CHILD’S PLAY
A better future starts with
opportunities for youth.
We’re equipping young people with the skills they need to reach their potential. That is our north star.
Young people are problem solvers—all they need is opportunity. And at Tims Camps, we help them develop the resilience, strength, and social and emotional skills they need to achieve throughout their lives. A leading non-profit, our multi-year leadership programming expands the horizon of what is possible for youth aged 12 to 16.

Meet Catherine
From Tims Camps To University
Catherine draws a straight line from the skills she learned at camp to her success in university. Read her story to find out how Catherine uncovered reserves of resilience – and how her experience at Tims Camps has guided her growth.
What Camp Looks Like This Year
We show up for campers no matter the circumstances, meeting them where they are to give them the tools they need. This year, campers will benefit from an enhanced virtual camp experience complete with counsellors, cabin groups, and digital programming to support their growth and development.

Virtual Programming



Counsellor Support

Backpack Program

Online Community

Social Media

Device Donations